Regular Eidolon


Wrought of enchanted iron by a civilization long lost to memory, Gigas feels no pain and yields to no opponent. It is said that, in recognition of its strength and valor, the gods gave it a hero’s soul, allowing it to exist eternally.

- Gigas 1 star

 - Gigas 3 Star Evolution


A mysterious hooded knight emblazoned with the sun’s crest, Aelius brings to bear his shining power to defend his allies with shields of pure light and incinerate the enemies before him with prominences of intense solar heat.
 - Aelius 1 Star

-Aelius 3 Star Evolution


When his body was badly damaged in the war between Pandemonium and the Aura Kingdom, angelic champion Abraxas was given new life in a powerful bio-armor. He aids those who seek victory in Gaia’s name, and fights with a heavenly strength and grace.

- Abraxas 1 Star

-Abraxas 3 Star Evolution


The shadowy Eligos is a Grand Duke of Pandemonium, but with a nobler temperament than many denizens of that forsaken realm. He seeks to train any willing Envoys of Gaia in his powerful dark arts, and claims he can foresee the outcome of any battle.
- Eligos 1 Star

- Eligos 3 Star Evolution


Sigrun is a mighty warrior-maiden who combs battlefields for the souls of the fallen. She escorts the spirits of dead heroes to a plane beyond the mortal world and avenges the deaths of noble warriors who have been wrongfully slain.
- Sigrun 1 Star

- Sigrun 3 Star Evolution


A messenger descended from the splendor of the Aura Kingdom, Uzuriel pledges her aid only to those who prove worthy. Favoring swift strikes to thundering blows, her holy winds uplift allies and subdue foes with a brilliant flourish.
- Uzuriel 1 Star

- Uzuriel 3 Star Evolution


Known throughout Pandemonium as the Empress of Torment, Bel-Chandra harnesses fearful magic that wracks the bodies of her enemies in terrible agony. Drawn to the hidden darkness in mortals’ hearts, she whispers emboldening words, encouraging mercilessness in battle.
- Bel-Chandra 1 Star

- Bel-Chandra 3 Star Evolution


High above the clouds, Vayu the Stormbringer causes winds to blow and rains and snows to fall. Some attribute to him both droughts and floods, as well as times of great prosperity. When he descends to earth, lesser spirits tremble at his coming.
- Vayu 1 Star

- Vayu 3 Star Evolution


One of the grand dragons of the sea, Nazrudin is a master of water in all its forms. The sight of his white, serpentine body in flight is said to be a fortuitous omen to sailors, but if his wrath is awakened, he can sweep away a fleet as though it were chaff.
- Nazrudin 1 Star

- Nazrudin 3 Star Evolution


Once a warlord, Yarnaros was cursed with a draconian form. Resisting the anger in his heart, he instead championed the weak and subdued demons, until at last the gods lifted him up, giving him golden wings and the power to shake the earth and sky.

- Yarnaros 1 Star

 - Yarnaros 3 Star Evolution


The dead marshes of Pandemonium are Quelkulan’s domain. A powerful electric current courses through this fearsome wyrm’s coils, and it can vent an incredibly toxic miasma capable of dissolving flesh and bone, and killing even mystical creatures.
- Quekulan 1 Star

- Quekulan 3 Star Evolution


A powerful efreet from the world of spirits, Zaahir gained notoriety among the djinn for his cunning, ruthlessness, and his ambition to rule. With his otherworldly savvy, he allies with those who, like him, will stop at nothing to achieve power.
 - Zaahir 1 Star

- Zaahir 3 Star Evolution


Galloping swiftly through field and plain, Cyril wanders the world looking for worthy causes to which he might pledge his aid. Although a just spirit, his blade holds nothing back against evil, and his speed is like the rush of an oncoming storm. Cyril’s armor is as hard as a diamond, and is able to withstand the most ferocious attacks. When he strikes with his weapon, the Sword in the Stone, the air itself transforms into Wind Blades that strike and scatter his foes, and his King’s Favor skill bolsters his allies’ defensive abilities. Clearly, his legendary title, King of the Knights, is well-deserved.
- Cyril 1 Star

- Cyril 3 Star Evolution


As a nine-tailed fox spirit, Kotonoha wields powerful and esoteric spells with ease, chanting secret mantras to defend her partner, or applying magical wards that greatly enhance combat prowess. Her keen eyes can pierce illusions to see the reality beneath.
- Kotonoha 1 Star

 - Kotonoha 3 Star Evolution

Tigerius Caesar

The noble soul of Emperor Tigerius Caesar, lord of beasts, was preserved by the gods in an everlasting body. He expertly balances his regal bearing with his desire for the finest things in life, like royal buffets, servant girls, and of course, cat naps.
- Tigerius Caesar 1 Star

- Tigerius Caesar 3 Star Evolution


In the vast wildernesses of Terra, Bahadur roams far afield, seeking wars and strong challengers to quell his lust for battle. As a centaur, few spirits can match the speed of his trampling gallop, and fewer still are willing to face his thunderous charge.
- Bahadur 1 Star

- Bahadur 3 Star Evolution

agristi putri rosanty

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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