Ravanger Build

Gunslinger offers many good benefits for a speed build ravager. First, and the most obvious, is the massive amount of speed gained through its party buff. It scales very well with skill level, giving around 10% or more spd stat when enhanced with +skill level items. This allows us to dump more points into crit and dmg while still remaining capped spd. Gunslinger also has a nice option for offhand weapon in The Duke's Duelers (60 npc orange). Because of the 10% boss damage now and nice speed buff, Duke's Duelers is the superior choice. Gunslinger also provides frost trap for use on bosses, which will increase damage for party members by a lot. Another nice benefit is the movement speed buff mastery from dark flare trap, which can be useful in certain scenarios. Overall, gunslinger is the best package for a 50% speed build ravager. 

Warbow is actually quite similar to gunslinger as a subclass. The main difference is that its party buff gives a bit less speed. In exchange, you get a buff skill to give 30% chance to proc 50% bonus damage, lasting 25 seconds. It has a 90 second cooldown with max speed. It also has a possible movement speed mastery on arrow of light. The offhand you will be using (Soul of the Glorious Hunter, 50 npc orange) has a bonus damage proc as well as boss damage, with just slightly lower stats than a level 60 weapon. But it is not as good as gunslinger, but quite usable if you prefer to try a different class. 

Duelist, while not offering a speed class buff like the two aforementioned classes, does provide some useful benefits. The main reason you would want to use this subclass is probably for the new roll mechanic, which grants invincibility frames and is usable every 7.5 seconds with max speed. Aside from that, it also has a great offhand weapon in Demonic Blades (60 non-npc orange) which gives 10% boss damage and a bonus damage proc. Those are the two main things it has going for it, as you will not be using the DoTs or the ultimate skills. Unfortunately, the evasion party buff is mostly useless to this build. 

Bard is a difficult one to pin down. With the new class mechanics, bard has become a much more viable subclass for dps. However, ravager rarely finds the time to use ballad for the +12% damage when constantly spamming R&R. The extra healing is nice, but isn't really needed because of rage hits. There is also no boss damage offhand for bard sub (harp of choice probably being Poseidon's Harp, 60 non-npc orange) . It does have a useful stun and a nice party buff, though. This could be an effective sub if used correctly. 

You will use wizard for pretty much one reason, and that is instant thunder. It does have a boss damage offhand (Arcane Staff, 60 npc orange), but is not very good compared to some of the other options. You also get a 20% crit dmg party buff, which can be useful. 

Brawler is probably the best PvP class for ravager, but with the rage bar update and speed build it really lost most of its usefulness in PvE. Its party buff is alright, but none of the skills are really useful for speed build ravager. The best weapon to use is Demon Winged Katars (60 npc orange), which gives 35% more crit dmg upon proc, but sadly ravager has high enough natural crit dmg already. At least it would allow you to change up your secret stones a bit. Still, though, This class is not recommended for this build. Try on damage build for better effectiveness. 

Guardian gives some defensive stats on the offhand (Adjudicator's Sword and Shield, 60 npc orange), as well as some long cooldown buff skills. You will be a bit more tanky, at the cost of losing some dps. May be a choice for some people, but it is not recommended for this build.

Whichever class you decide on, make sure that A. You will be able to hit 50% speed and B. You are able to get an offhand with life leech (and stun, will discuss later). 


At level 50, you will want to get yourself a few items. First of all is your axe-- for this, you could either craft one at the blacksmith or use the 50 yellow. Next, you will want the aria bottom set and requiem top set for armors. These will last you well into the 60 contents until you can afford and use the higher level gear. You can also get the Comet set of accessories to tide you over until the next ones at 55. The last thing that this guide recommend getting at 50 is Toto's yellow trophy, which will last until 60. 

At level 60/65+, you will be gearing for current endgame. This means you will want to get items with good percentages and stats, and fortify them well. The following items are my personal preferences; some of them will have viable replacements. Feel free to experiment as long as it fits with the build. 


If you don't have a lot of gold resources, the first goal you should have is to get a good nazrudin axe from Whirlpool Abyss. Preferably, you would aim for 130%+ on the damage, but this can be a real pain. If you can afford to transfer later, 120%+ should work temporarily. It is a very nice and affordable axe, with all the stats ravager is looking for. You just need to get lucky with the rolls. 

If you can afford to spend a lot of gold, aim for a high damage percentage Cleaver of the Sky, preferably 135%+. Main element to look for would be storm, but that will add a lot to the price as well at time searching. It gives 3% detail stat damage, 15% raging slash (for use on bosses) and doesn't need RNG to get high rolls.

If you want to try stacking boss damage as high as possible, you can aim to craft Sacred Scar orange axe. There has been much discussion about 60 orange compared to 65 yellows, and which would be better for PvE. Overall, if you can stack your boss damage high enough without it, 65 yellows are a better choice because they kill boss at about same pace, and trash mobs faster. You also have to get lucky for good roll while crafting 60 orange. 60 orange is good for utilizing ShockNoct combo with speed build, which is basically permanent stun plus life leech. That is the only reason why you would craft it though. Some people may have different opinions. 

Possible replacements: 

Karka's Bloodthirsty Axe 
If you can find this axe in high damage percentage, then feel free to use it. It's pretty rare though. About at good as nazrudin axe, and better if it has storm element. 

Top Set: 

If you are low budget player, you will definitely want a titan top set for the nice damage it reduction it gives on bosses. It is great in harder dungeons, like OW Hard, landing and lament. It also gives nice speed and helps cap defense more easily, allowing more mobs to hit you without dying. You will want to aim for 125%+ on the head, and around 120+ all elements on the body. Best core to use in my opinion is imperial, but bestial or spiky can also work well. 

If you have decent fort levels, you will want to run devour top for the amazing damage it gives against bosses. As we know, detail stat list dmg% is really OP and stacking a lot of it is much advised. Devour helps you do this by giving 15%. You lose some speed stat, so you will have to work your build around it, but it is very much worth it. One way of doing it is just hit your speed benchmark with baphomet for mobs, and then drop down a bit against bosses with devour. 

On demon+baphomet, it would be ideal to have a set with 130%+ and good stats. It offers an amazing speed stat to help hit your benchmark, and a buff that gives over 10k damage. This buff can be carried over to bosses even if you switch armors. You only really need one element to use on mobs in dungeons, because you will switch to either titan or devour on bosses. 

Because of the boss damage from devourer is simply too much to pass up, from revelation top you get around 5k more damage (with modifiers factored in), but 15% damage on bosses is quite a bit more. Definitely DO NOT use revelation set in any situation, unless you want way below optimal dps output. 

Bottom Set: 

Lethal beast set is, in my opinion, the only viable bottom set for speed ravagers at 65+. The 11% flat crit is very nice, it offers a great bonus damage proc, and is pretty affordable now. You should aim for 130%+ with nice crit and dmg stats. There is no reason not to use this unless you already have full +20 lion's roar from another class. 

Possible replacements

-Devourer Bottom Set 
Devourer bottoms can be used pre-65 for the nice set bonus and proc. Try to switch to lethal beast as soon as you can though. 

*Keep in mind that we are talking about speed build ravager here, not damage build. With damage build, lion's roar set becomes more viable because the attack speed buff will actually raise your dps on bosses. Just something to keep in mind. 


It is recommended aiming for the flokja accessories, but they can take quite a while to farm with dragon coins. If using gold, they will be fairly pricey. The speed is obviously great on this build, the bonus damage proc is amazing, and the base stats are higher than the 55s. There are some drawbacks, though. If you ever swap accessories for abyss or other dungeons, you will not likely be able to maintain 50% speed. Basically, you become dependent on them for speed. You also lose 9% damage and 12% crit dmg that you could gain from the other set. A major plus is that you can allocate a lot of speed points into damage or crit instead. 

Talamund/Gekasso/Hale accessories are still great, as their stats are amazing for ravager. They are certainly effective no matter what level you use them. Much more affordable, too. 

*As with all classes, ravager should aim to have blue/white accessories with +3 buff skill levels. This is especially important for Burst of Speed and Mental Focus on warbow and gunslinger, because they allow for less points in speed. You simply swap them out when you need to buff, such as at the start of dungeons or start of floor in sky tower. 


These trophies are the best for speed ravager. They have all the best offensive stats that we want, combined with great procs. Try to get high stat rolls on them, and put an imperial or bestial/spiky core on the orange if you can. 

If you can afford it, It is advised getting the six elemental trophies in order to maximize dps. A 20% boost to damage will be better than green malodnak's in most situations. These are more for high-end players though, since they cost quite a bit. 

*Don't use the wind spirit trophy; it will lose out on a lot of dmg and crit, as well as bonus damage procs. Instead of increasing your dps, it will actually lower it. The only place it should be used is in dungeons with storm element mobs. 
*Caroline's is not a good choice either, since the life leech only works on auto attacks-- something which speed build ravager will rarely be using. If you use this trophy, do it for the extra imperial core it offers. 

Offhand Weapons: 

This section used to be a bit convoluted, talking about blue weapons and elemental damage and the like. Instead, now I will just recommend that you take an orange offhand with 10% boss damage if available. Detail stat damage is really OP, and should be stacked whenever it is allowed. 

From there, basically it is suggested getting a nocturnal and shocking core on your weapon of choice. Nocturnal allows for constant life leech, and shocking allows for party support when you have a bard. Shocking is especially useful on mobs such as the spiders after second boss in Lament, which can destroy a party in a few deadly hits. The main selling points of this build are constant life leech and party support, so make sure you have these two cores. 

Some subclasses will also have other offhands, such as Nazrudin pistols, that you can swap to for quick stat boost procs during R&R. It is fine to use these if you want, just make sure you have 10% boss damage too.

Envoy, Masteries & Stat Points 

The setup for this build is pretty straightforward, but can vary depending on what subclass you are working with. For example, a katar or duelist sub user might opt to go for ultimate skills, changing the envoy setup a little bit. Likewise, certain classes might have masteries that are more beneficial than others. These are just my guidelines; you can adjust it to whatever you like best. 

Envoy Path: 

Before level 69: 

The idea here is to take the most useful stuff as quickly as you can, to aid you in leveling up faster. You can change your envoy upon hitting level 69 by spending around 25 gold. In reality, it really doesn't matter if you follow this example or not, as long as the end result is the same. This is simply for people who can spare some gold and want the ideal envoy at a lower level. The yellow dots show what is suggested taking after hitting level 60. 

At level 69+: 

When you reach 69, you can afford to take all the crit damage envoys, which boost their value greatly. That's why the ideal build at 69+ is a bit different from pre-69. The red dots are what is suggested taking after completing the basic path at 69. 

A few noteworthy points:

Wild Fury, Armor of Thorns, and Finishing Blow passives should always be taken 
Both Round and Round mastery points are necessary for this build 
Vindictive Burst may be traded out for another envoy

The issue with Vindictive Burst is that, when constantly using R&R, it will only apply for a couple seconds on enemies. If you test it out yourself you will see what the guide mean. Take it, because it helps overall dps in the end, but other people may opt to take something else. 


General Skills: Boulder Crush 
This skill is for situational use, although it can easily be changed out for useful subclass skills. Things such as -def (ex. gunslinger, guardian) or +dmg (ex. warbow, katar) come to mind. Jawbreaker isn't all that useful because of being speed build, but you can still use it if you like. 

Attack Spec: Zeal 
Definitely the best attack mastery for ravager, especially since we operate mostly on pure damage hits instead of DoTs. Divine Power may seem like it adds a lot of damage, but it just doesn't compare to Zeal in reality. 

Advanced Skills: Whirlwind Slash 
This is another situational one, as certain classes might have different masteries that are useful at different times, such as movement speed from gunslinger or warbow in infernal abyss. At other times you might find -10% damage from flame slash to be useful. For the most part, though, you will just be using whirlwind, because 10% defense drop is a nice boost to dps for the whole party. 

Defense Spec: Extreme Speed/Courage 
You should use Extreme Speed whenever you don't mind being a bit less tanky, for the huge boost in movement speed. You can use Courage when you need to take a few extra hits. Courage is really the best tanky mastery because of the flat 3% reduction plus HP. It works better than just pure defense or HP. 

Tactical Spec: Break Defense/Organized Sabotage 
Obviously you can use any of them based on party composition, but these are the main two advise. Ravager is special in that you can easily keep debuffs up on all mobs in the area, so usually it will be best to use break defense for faster clear times. Don't be afraid to switch it up, though, especially if there are other AoE users in your party. 

Special Skills: The Best Defense 
This is really the only choice to be considered, especially with the huge base damage of ravager weapons. The orange tier mastery will get you around 13%+ defense with a +20 axe, and even more in combat. This should be your first priority to spend dragon coins on (need to do vulture dailies every day for around a week, too!) 

Stat Points: 

As mentioned earlier, you will be aiming to hit 50% speed with whatever buffs you will normally have on. This includes eidolon, speed food (raisin bread or macaroon) and subclass speed buff if you have it. Sub weapon procs also apply here. 

After 50% speed, aim for at least around 75% crit rate in combat. This will likely be around 60-65% outside of combat. This is to help trigger the procs that rely on critical hits more often. After that, put the rest into damage. 

Note: You can also run a "hybrid" build with around 36% speed, allowing for much less stat investment and pseudo-spam with SS + R&R. 

You should aim to cap defense at 75% with relevant buffs, but you can never really know when you will be partied with a guardian or a bard. As a general guideline, aim to hit around 65% with eidolon and float, then the rest into HP. This is simply my personal preference, though. 

Enchant Cards & Secret Stones 


Before getting into the enchantments, I will first recommend that you take -2% dmg taken on face and body costumes, 2% HP on head costumes, 2% dmg on back costumes, and 5% crit dmg or 2% dmg on weapon costumes. If your gear is strong enough to allow it, you can forego the -2% dmg taken and get all 2% dmg instead. 

For the actual enchants, ravager generally has an easy time deciding what to use. 

Head Enchant: Boss Damage/Elemental Damage 
Use a 10% boss damage enchant with 2% HP for my main head costume. The 18% elemental damage enchants can be used in dungeons with the respective elements for maximum dps output. 
*Burst of Speed Mastery is an important one to have on warbow subs for the extra speed buff 

Face Enchant: Tornado Spin Mastery 
Plus five skill levels to our main skill, Round and Round. It's pretty much the best choice here, use it with either -2% damage taken or 2% damage. 

Body Enchant: Crit Resilience Against Bosses/Crit Damage Against Bosses 
-13% crit damage taken from bosses gives you the chance to survive more hits. 25% crit damage against bosses can help you cap if you are lacking in that department. Either choice will be quite useful. Again, -2% damage taken or 2% damage with it. 

Back Enchant: Extreme Speed 
5% move speed is excellent for reducing clear times as well as making it easier to dodge red carpets. Another no-brainer in my opinion. Enchant it with 2% damage. 
*Mental Focus Mastery is an important one to have on gunslinger subs for the extra speed buff 

Weapon Enchant: Gaia Revival Mastery/Horizontal Slash Mastery 
Gaia revival is basically a filler, because there's not much other useful enchants. Your teammates will appreciate it during battle, though. You can also use Horizontal Slash if you like to use the skill. Enchant with 2% damage. 

Secret Stones: 

For a speed ravager with Lethal Beast set, your secret stone choices will be fairly limited. To be most effective, you pretty much have to take 6% crit dmg and 2% dmg. The reason for this is because of how effective 2% dmg is on detailed stat window. If you find yourself with extra crit dmg from other places, and don't need 6% SS to cap on bosses, then you can change it to another stat, such as -2% damage taken or 2% eva. Just make sure to have 2% dmg on them no matter what. 7% elemental damage is of course advised in places like Whirlpool/Infernal Abyss. 

For weapons, you should definitely be using Thunderous or Zephyr, the choice depending on how high your HP and defense are. +20 armors could possibly allow for use of Zephyr, but if under 80k HP + cap defense, I would go with Thunderous. Just use whatever works best for you. 


Bel is a great eidolon to start out with, as the crit+crit damage buff can help your party do more damage. 5% flat crit rate is also a nice boost to dps as well. 

Tigerius Caesar: 
Useful for the movement speed buff when you want to clear easy dungeons faster. 

Aelius is awesome for the cleanse if you're trying to pull dungeons with movespeed debuffs, such as AT or MS. It's also good in Whirlpool Abyss, among other places. 

Many people use Yarnaros for the 8% dmg and 25% aspd star buffs, but Eligos is more preferred. Eligos has a skill that decreases defense by a flat amount, which is quite useful on bosses. Since 3star Yarnaros is now released, only use until you get him. 

Save up key fragments and crests for 3 star, as this is one of the first released. The 24% dmg buff is really OP and should be used until you have more of a selection (Eligos, and Bel when they come out) 

Kotonoha can be a pain to get, but it one of the best eidolons for speed ravager. The 5% passive movespeed is great, and she has a 10% lifesteal buff that lasts for 10 seconds. 

If you can manage to get both Kotonoha and Tsubaki, you can have an almost permanent 10% lifesteal buff up. It takes some practice to get used to, but you can switch them out every 10 seconds to use it. 

[*No longer recommend due to 3star Yarnaros being available] If you can manage to get two Endora keys and use lion's roar set, consider using her. 5% crit rate plus 8% damage is one of the best two star buffs out there, and is amazing for ravager. The increased enemy crit dmg taken debuff from her trophy is also great. 

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