Bard Build


Here the most important stat is speed. This is because at 50% (cap) all your skill cool down is halved and any HoT/DoT will tick every 0.8 secs instead of 1 sec. I personally prefer to have it at 50% buffless just because there some instances where you can’t get your eidolon out (ST) and there is no gunslinger around for party buff.
After you max your speed you can go either damage or crit. I prefer damage because its more stable and its the only way to increase the DoT on sorc attacks. Yes I know its pretty minimal but after you’ve spent your stats maxing your speed you can’t get enough into crit to make it matter either(which is around the 30% range) and anyway when your healing harmony is doing 100k~ you don’t really need that crit (no one has 200k HP atm…I think)

This is pretty simple put all points into def until you hit 75% (cap) then the rest into HP then into Eva. When maxing out def you may want to consider things like food/eidolon buff/party buff/self-buff so fine-tune as you will~

koagemos wrote:
Adventurer’s Road (Passives)
Heal amount +3%
Damage reflect 10%
Fleet Foot
Movement speed +5%
Music Training
Lv1: +1% critical chance when equipped with harp
Lv2: +2% critical chance when equipped with harp
Lv3: +3% critical chance when equipped with harp
Speed Training
Lv1: Attack speed +0.5%, cooldown -0.5%
Lv2: Attack speed +1%, cooldown -1%
Lv3: Attack speed +2%, cooldown -2%
Endurance Workout
Lv1: HP +1%
Lv2: HP +2%
Storm Melody Expertise
Storm Melody damage +8%, range +2 meters
Holy Note Expertise
Holy Note heal amount +3%, cooldown -6%
Wind Canto
Unlocks “Wind Canto”
Must have grimoire and harp equipped
Fire Spirit Summon
Unlocks “Fire Spirit Summon”
Must have grimoire and harp equipped
Main Weapon∙Harp
HP +25%, Heal effects +10%, Harp skills +3 levels
Unbending Will
When healing self, increase damage +10%, lasts 20 seconds.
Purifying Harp
When attacked, 40% chance to remove a negative buff on self. [/color]
Barrier Chords
Grants a nearby party member a shield whenever a skill is cast to block 15% damage 1 time, lasts 10 seconds, activates every 15 seconds
Hymnal Blessing
+3% to all stats to nearby party members when casting skills
Firstly I chose song of wings because of a mastery that makes it a perma +7% move speed buff. Next I chose fire spirit on top of this because I find it useful enough to warrant that 1 envoy point (which for me is better that +2% def or + damage or whatever other envoy outside the specified path).
This is personal preference really and if your using best defense all the time/never lure then you might wanna use these points to reach storm song mastery faster/on other envoys.
Next holy note mastery is of the utmost importance because of the new mechanic. If you get the Azure secret stone, max speed and have this mastery its CD is 2.8 secs. This is pretty much enough to keep my party alive so much so that I’ve deleted healing tones off my hotkeys and I rarely use healing harmony.
The last 3 boxes that I have in yellow is for storm song mastery. In terms of party support if you have it you’ll -def debuff all mobs which can make a run faster and it makes soloing stuff a lot easier. I’m currently lvl 67 so I don’t have it yet but by 75 I’ll get it. I personally chose to leave it till last because my parties kill trash mobs super fast already and I prioritised the red boxes but you can take storm song mastery instead if you feel that its more useful.
The rest is pretty self-explanatory. In terms of what to choose first I would go heal %>Holy note>3% all stats>masteries>HP>red=yellow or you can go straight to yellow after 3% all stat depends on your party really.

Best mastery for this slot hands down. -def debuff is pretty much the best way to increase damage output on monsters.

I prefer divine power in this slot because I’m not gunning for crit in which case callousness/murderous intent would be better. Yes even over focus because in terms of stat scaling putting stats into speed and using divine power will result in a bigger damage increase than if you were to use boost and stat into damage with the extra stats.
Note:This is assuming you’re using +20 and 130%+ harp I’m not quite sure about the stat scaling for +9 low percent harps, focus may be better.

This is situational really. Def ballad if your party needs it to survive the dungeon otherwise damage ballad all the way.

You lose Heal +10% if you use this compared to Zaahir/60 orange crafted restorer core harp but because of the new mechanics, the material increase in holy notes/healing harmony from the jump in damage on Zither of Gaia makes it worth the loss. Furthermore:
whitekite wrote:
The +610 healing potency buff is extremely powerful on holy notes, and the aoe healing harmony effect is useful if you randomly find yourself with 0 green notes.
Note:Assuming +20 not sure when harp is at +9.
Also note that you want storm element on the harp because it increases the damage of storm song your most spammed skill (I bought this harp before the dragon coin patch so I settled for lightning=more ambient drone damage)

Here the preferred tome is a 60 crafted because you can put a restorer core into it (+10% heal). I chose forbidden tome because crit>eva in terms of usefulness (assuming your partying with people that don’t have both maxed) but if you need that extra defense for survival than take the Ancient Dwarven Codex.
If you need even greater survivability then use a Zaahir tome because it gives a good boost to HP and the -5% damage taken is a bonus.
The element isn’t that important but get darkness/flame if you can (soul draw/flame impact).
Firstly you want to try and reach 70%+ defense/90k+ HP from purely armor because it gives you the chance to prioritise heal/ballad increases on all your other equips. So using revelation top set for that +10% healing is out because the stat loss all round is too high.

If you have the ability to go full +20/125%+ bonus then for PvE titan is the best set. Simply because you really don’t need the procs on the yellows/extra HP for survival so you can get either +25% exp from using all Blessed cores (+5% exp per core) or +15% move speed using all imperial cores (+3% move speed per core) or a mix of both.
This is also the super poor man’s tank set so even at +9 you can do pretty well because it provides good defense/HP/speed and the set effects are nice too.

If you can’t afford to +20 then a +15/+9 yellow set is your next option. 135%+ yellows costs less than +15-20 nowadays and you also gain the benefit of a massive boost to HP. The procs are also nice but less nice than titan~.

Assuming you meet the tankiness requirement the +3 ballad accessory set is the way to go. I gain about 1k~ on my ballad from this set which is pretty good -3% damage taken from boss>speed>HP>everything else

Use this set if you feel you aren’t surviving well enough as it gives a big HP boost and a nice defense boost.

Murfeos give an amazing amount of healing (+25% from 2 pieces) and a good amount of speed. However if you feel that you lack tankiness then you can swap out green murfeo for talamand which will boost HP and Def.
In terms of mix and matching gear its all about balance. You want enough tankiness to not get 1-2 shot by any monster/boss and then putting everything else into increasing your heal. However you don’t want to lose so much heal that you can’t 1 healing harmony yourself/your tank from 5% HP to 90%+ HP and in the same way 1 holy note your DPSes.
Alas this is also up to personal preference as some people like to be tankier than the tank whilst people like me want passable survivability and then dump everything into heals and then there is the in between so fine tune as you will~

Iron wall if you really need it to cap defense (you shouldn’t) and then courage for the survivability. You can also get extreme speed for walking through town/breezing through OW pt/hard if you want I’m just lazy to swap and autopath ftw.

I just prefer Organised Sabotage because everyone and their mother uses break defense. You can get break defense for soloing stuff but I’m just too lazy to solo so I didn’t get it.
unicorn_bbg wrote:
Ars Noxia-Reason being is that when you are luring, it’s kind of nice to slow down some of the mobs who end up receiving the movespeed reduction.
Special Skill

Get the best defense if you need it to cap. Not as amazing on a bard because harps have low base damage but still pretty nice. I personally use percussive song because its pretty much perma +7% move speed because you can continuously cast song of wind if you max speed.
Secret Stones
Firstly on your secret stones the stat that you MUST have is 3% heal (hence healing prefix).
For your secondary stat the best is -2% damage taken. If you can’t get that then the order is 2% HP>2% damage>1% of the previous 3 stats>everything else.
Next your armor and glove secret stone can be another skill if you manage to find 3% heal/-2% dam taken simply because that stat take priority over the tiny amount of damage provided on the secret stone. All the other stones must be the ones in the picture above because the stats they provide are needed to boost your tankiness/healing.
For a full support you’d ideally want the stats/enchants and enchanted stats in the picture displayed above.
These are now found through dragon coins for 3k a piece so this is a must.
-Insert Advanced Enchantment Cards Picture Here- (Will add soon)
Sigrun and Gigas – The 2 quest eidolons that are substitute tanks (literally) if you end up tankless/can’t tank yourself.
Quelkulan – Hands down the best (free) bard eidolon at 4 star (if the buffs are true). Its skill buff is +def which is quite nice especially if it enables you to swap from a tank equip to a heal equip
Tigerius Caesur – Situational eidolon with its move speed skill buff. Useful in time trials like IA or just speeding up normal dungeons.
Aelius – Again situational eidolon as it has a cleanse as the skill buff. Useful in dungeons like WA/Lament/Landing where you are constantly debuffed.
Serena or Vermillion – If you have $$ then these eidolons are for you because they have OP 2 star buffs.
Vayu – is also extremely useful in certain situations for the aoe stun, it lasts a very very long time and has a very wide radius (as large as ambient drone). If someone uses a high level mental focus on him, the cooldown can be dropped to around 8 seconds, which is hilarious because you can nearly perma stun things by just alternating ambient drone and howl from above. The main places Vayu is useful are during lament spiders and OW Hard b2b runs, although he is also very useful if you are doing landing full lures.
1.Try to have ballad x3 stacked on everyone in the party at all times. Ranged DPS tend to run around a lot so try to cast ballad when they run close to you. If they never come near you then really you shouldn’t try chase and if they die and complain then tell them its also their job to make sure they are in your range at some point in time.
2.Try your best to place yourself in the middle of your party because with 3 green notes your AoE is generally big enough to get to everyone (if some dude decides to run off that is an outlier) and this way you don’t have to alt tab players and you can just cycle through storm song>blissful harmony>storm song>holy note>storm song>blissful harmony>ballad>storm song>blissful harmony>holy note and the occasional healing harmony during emergencies to keep your party alive.
3.Healing tones is useless needs deleting.
4.If you are b2b (luring to the boss) try to nightmare totem all the mobs just before you’re about to stop to give you/your tank some breathing space then proceed to ambient drone/totem as needed. Same applies to mass mobbing at the entrance.
5.As a sorc subclass you have a cleanse called rejuvenation mantra use it. Especially in WA and lament/landing I don’t know why half our population pretends this skill doesn’t exist.
Firstly before you even try PvP make sure you have at least +15 on all your equips otherwise you’re going to be destroyed and feel useless ;x I would recommend +20 all if you want a decent chance at doing anything ><
This build will be aimed at being as tanky as possible so that you can out-sustain everything~ This means overcapped defense, capped evasion and -50%ish player damage taken. You will lose quite a bit of healing power in the process but most people tend to like outliving everything.

Pretty obvious but PvP harp is best for PvP because of its -10% player damage taken. Don’t settle for under 115% because it lacks damage and you sacrifice alot of healing power by using this harp in the first place. Try for storm or lightning element but anything will do as long as it has high %.

Use the orange grimore because then you can use restorer core and boost your heals a bit (also because PvP grim doesn’t give -player damage taken). This grim specifically because it gives eva and +5% eva which is key to capping eva. Aim to get 125%+ but really any % will do because you rarely use grim skills outside mantra+totem.
PvP top set for the -11% player damage reduction and Maro bottom for -100% crit damage. For the body element its best to get violent because anything else means you’ll be weak to one type of element (bad for PvP because you don’t want to take extra damage on any attack).

Charming Scent Set is a must so that you can max eva.

Orange Murfeo is obvious for the 15% heal,eva and speed. I chose Talen’s over Talamund because the -damage from boss proc is useless in PvP so a bit of HP regen is better.

Firstly def ballad over atk ballad because you need it to overcap defense. Extreme speed over courage because you need it to cap eva and the move speed is a bonus. Best defense over capoeira because you need it to overcap def. There is another way to cap eva without Capoeira.
Secret Stones

To cap eva without using Capoeira you need to use 2% eva secret stones. So its the same set of stones as the ones for PvE but eva>heal %.

Take these enchantments over holy notes and healing harmony for more -player damage/crit dam reduction
About Me
A few people were curious about what my personal build is like and since I decided that I’d put up a PvP guide if I made rank 1 might as well show off the results.

Note that I skipped the second round everyday because its at 4am for me and I skipped 2 days because of real life so my score isn’t nearly high as it can be ><
Highest Score
Most Kills
Highest Assist Count
My Gear

Yes I know I don’t follow my own guide but as with PvE I prefer passable survivability while dumping everything else into heals. Also I didn’t want to +20 2 different sets of armor so I settled for yellows and yes I’m using ice body in PvP sue me I’m lazy >;
1. Try to force a win by queueing into the right game. This means queueing maybe 30 secs after arena actually starts because typically the OP PvPers will always join the first game leaving average players for the rest of the games. As a bard you tend to be the key to winning so if you enter a match and the other team has no bards and no OP PvPers then you can ‘force’ a win for yourself. I managed to keep 85% win rate and even win all my games on 3 or 4 days so ya~2.Try to pre-target players that you think will be damaged when the opp team approaches. This way they’re already focused healed and won’t insta die but I kind of suck at this and its hit or miss >< Generally people will aim for the OPest person on your team/the wiz or ranger.
3.Make sure you are always in healing distance of your DPS. I know this is a no brainer but DPS tend to forget that someone is trying to follow them and will jump all over the place with their gap closers so its actually fairly easy to lose them. I kinda failed at this.

agristi putri rosanty

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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